Freelance Writing: The Ultimate Beginner’s Online Business

Freelance writing is hands down one of the best businesses for new entrepreneurs to start with online.


Because it’s a skill the vast majority of us already have at least a little bit of a grasp of, and there’s a huge demand for freelance writers.

For people just starting out in their journey to build a lifestyle business we are big advocates of starting with freelance writing. It’s the fastest way I know of to build income and confidence and it can be a great bridge business to go from your day job to entrepreneur.

Here are some of our best posts on Freelance Writing:

The Definitive Guide: How to Start Freelance Writing (For Total Beginners)

Why Start Freelance Writing? 7 Reasons It’s the Best Lifestyle Business

Why Start Freelance Writing? 7 Reasons It’s the Best Lifestyle Business

Trying to figure out why you should start freelance writing online? Good! It's the best lifestyle business you can start, and here are 7 reasons why!

SEO for Freelance Writers: Here’s What You Need to Know

SEO for Freelance Writers: Here’s What You Need to Know

SEO for Freelance writers? Is this actually something you need to learn about? Well yes, at least on a basic level. Here's all the essentials.

How to Become a Copywriter in 2024 (EVERYTHING You Need to Know)

How to Become a Copywriter in 2024 (EVERYTHING You Need to Know)

Trying to figure out exactly what is copywriting? Or know you want to learn how to become a copywriter and make a bunch of money? We got you.

Freelance Writing for Beginners: 30+ Things You NEED to Know

Freelance Writing for Beginners: 30+ Things You NEED to Know

Looking for the best info on freelance writing for beginners. These 31 FAQs cover everything you need to know to become a frewlance writer.

Master LinkedIn: How to Get Freelance Clients from LinkedIn

Master LinkedIn: How to Get Freelance Clients from LinkedIn

Do you want to really master LinkedIn like a pro? Here are five real strategies freelance writers can use to get more writing clients.

Want More Freelance Writing Clients in 2024? Do This

Want More Freelance Writing Clients in 2024? Do This

What more freelance writing clients in 2024? It's time to embrace the art of the email follow up. Learn how to do it effectively.

How to Become a Freelance Writer in 2024 (Make $5k/Month!)

How to Become a Freelance Writer in 2024 (Make $5k/Month!)

So you want to learn how to become a freelance writer in 2023? This is the only post you'll need to learn how to start freelance writing in 2023.

Failed at Freelance Writing? Do these 5 things to Revive Your Business

Failed at Freelance Writing? Do these 5 things to Revive Your Business

Want to know how to restart your freelance business after stalling out or failing the first time? Do these 5 things and the next go around will be a success.

6 Freelance Writing Hacks to Make Your First $1,000 FAST

6 Freelance Writing Hacks to Make Your First $1,000 FAST

Looking for some freelance writing hacks to throw rocket fuel on your freelance pitches? These 6 tips are all you need to start getting freelance clients.

How to Write More: 10 Steps for Building a Daily Writing Habit

How to Write More: 10 Steps for Building a Daily Writing Habit

Want to learn how to write more? One of the best things you can do is build a daily writing habit. Here are 10 strategies for learning how to do it.

How to Become a Writer: 10 Easy Steps to Follow

How to Become a Writer: 10 Easy Steps to Follow

Trying to learn how to become a writer or author? It's not nearly as difficult as you think. And if you follow these 10 steps? You'll be a writer in no time

How to Write Faster: 7 Speed Boosters for Freelance Writers

How to Write Faster: 7 Speed Boosters for Freelance Writers

Fed up with slow writing getting in the way of getting more done — and enjoying more free time? Learn how to write faster without losing quality.

Mastering Client Upsells: Boost Your Earnings as a Freelancer

Mastering Client Upsells: Boost Your Earnings as a Freelancer

One of the best ways to improve your income is getting more work from current clients. That's why client upsells are great. Here's how to start.

How to Write a Blog Post: EVERYTHING You Need to Know

How to Write a Blog Post: EVERYTHING You Need to Know

Want to learn how to write a blog post? While it's simple in theory, there is more that goes into than you think. Here's exacty how to start blogging.

25 Writing Prompts to Spark Creativity and Kill Writers Block

25 Writing Prompts to Spark Creativity and Kill Writers Block

Looking for writing prompts to help you overcome writer's block? Or perhaps you just need some more creative ideas. This post gives you the tools.

How Freelance Writers Can Survive AI: 5 Strategies to Thrive

How Freelance Writers Can Survive AI: 5 Strategies to Thrive

Are you concerned about what's happening with AI and freelance writing and how it may impact your career? I've got a four strategies to help.

Pay vs Prestige Freelancing Jobs: How to Strike the Right Balance

Pay vs Prestige Freelancing Jobs: How to Strike the Right Balance

Pay vs. prestige. It's always a big decision for freelance writers. But I think there's a perfect ratio to help you get the best of both worlds.

Unsexy Industries That Can Make You Bank: Finding Success in Boring Niches

Unsexy Industries That Can Make You Bank: Finding Success in Boring Niches

Tired of the feast or famine of freelance writing? Maybe it's time to change your niche. Check out how writing in boring niches can make you money.

Discover the Secret of Faster Research for Freelance Writers

Discover the Secret of Faster Research for Freelance Writers

You're going to love this tip for faster research. I've found it's massively cut down my writing time, which helps me get more done in a day.

How to Write a Pitch: The Ultimate Guide for Freelance Writers

How to Write a Pitch: The Ultimate Guide for Freelance Writers

Are you a freelance writer trying to learn how to write a pitch? Sending a cold email is NOT as difficult as you think, and this guide walks you through it.

Your Guide to Crafting the Perfect Freelance Writing Contract

Your Guide to Crafting the Perfect Freelance Writing Contract

If you want to protect your business, there's no better way to do it than through a freelance writing contract. Learn the basics of creating one here.

A Guide to Writing for Freelance Clients: 10 Dos and Don’ts

A Guide to Writing for Freelance Clients: 10 Dos and Don’ts

Starting to land new freelance clients? Use these ten strategies to ensure you keep your freelance writing clients happy for the long term.

Do You Need a Freelance Writing Niche?

Do You Need a Freelance Writing Niche?

Trying to figure out if you have to have a freelance writing niche? Or is it ok to be a more general freelance writer? The answer may surprise you.

How to Find More Freelance Writing Clients: 10 Things You Must Do

How to Find More Freelance Writing Clients: 10 Things You Must Do

Trying to find more freelance writing clients? Good news, it's not as hard as you think! But you HAVE to do these specific things to be successful.

5 Reasons You’re Failing as a Freelancer (and How to Get Back on Track)

5 Reasons You’re Failing as a Freelancer (and How to Get Back on Track)

Are you stuck feeling like you're a freelance failure? There are probably a couple of reasons why. Learn what they are and how to fix them.

Unlock the Secrets to Making Six-Figures as a Successful Freelance Medical Writer

Unlock the Secrets to Making Six-Figures as a Successful Freelance Medical Writer

Learn how Austin transformed his skills as a pharmacist into medical writing. Now as a freelance medical writer, he makes six-figures a year.

Everything You Need to Know to Start a Freelance Technical Writing Business (Even if You’re Not Technical!)

Everything You Need to Know to Start a Freelance Technical Writing Business (Even if You’re Not Technical!)

Thinking about jumping into freelance technical writing? Guess what, you don't need to be as "technical" as you think. Here's how to get started.

Landed a New Freelance Writing Client? Ask These 7 Questions First

Landed a New Freelance Writing Client? Ask These 7 Questions First

Talking to a new freelance writing client? There are a few key freelance client questions you need to ask before saying yes. Here's what to know.

How to Write Every Day (and why EVERYONE should)

How to Write Every Day (and why EVERYONE should)

The idea of publishing daily is scary. But if you want to learn how to write every day, then here's how to get started in a few simple steps.

Why AI is a Godsend for Freelance Writers (Friend NOT Foe)

Why AI is a Godsend for Freelance Writers (Friend NOT Foe)

When it comes to AI for freelance writers, a lot of people are scared. But you don't have to be. Here's why.

Best Gifts for Writers: 25 Holiday Presents Every Writer Will LOVE

Best Gifts for Writers: 25 Holiday Presents Every Writer Will LOVE

The holiday season is here. If you're still looking for that perfect gift, check out this list of the best gifts for writers for the wordsmith in your life.

What is Freelance Writing? And 3 Things You MUST Know

What is Freelance Writing? And 3 Things You MUST Know

Do you keep hearing that writing can be a great way to start an online business? Curious to know what is freelance writing? Let's lay it all out for you.

Do I Need to To Register My Online Business? Here’s the answer.

Do I Need to To Register My Online Business? Here’s the answer.

"Do I need to register my online business?" This. is asuper common question for freelancers, bloggers, and business owners. Here's the answer.

Word of Mouth Marketing: How an Old School Tactic Made My Business Take Off

Word of Mouth Marketing: How an Old School Tactic Made My Business Take Off

it's often overlooked, but word of mouth can be one of the very best ways to get new freelance clients? Here's how to get people to spread the word.

20 Mindset Tips from a Six-Figure Freelance Writer

20 Mindset Tips from a Six-Figure Freelance Writer

Are you a new freelancer or entrepreneur? The right mindset is the difference between success and failure. Here are 20 tips you need to know.

6 Ways a Stay-at-Home Mom Can Find Time to Be a Successful Freelance Writer and Blogger

6 Ways a Stay-at-Home Mom Can Find Time to Be a Successful Freelance Writer and Blogger

Are you a stay at home parent and struggling to find the time to start a lifestyle business, blog, or become a freelance writer? Check this.

How to Make Money Content Writing

How to Make Money Content Writing

Want to make money freelance content writing? Guess what, it's not as hard as you think, and this post shows you EXACTLY what you need to know.

Freelancing Advice: 15 Valuable Lessons You Should Learn

Freelancing Advice: 15 Valuable Lessons You Should Learn

In this post, we share 15 lessons learned from years of freelancing. If you want quality freelancing advice, this is where you should start.

How Do You Make Time to Start a Freelance Writing Business?

How Do You Make Time to Start a Freelance Writing Business?

How do you make time to start a freelance writing business when you have a full time day job? The answer is easier than you think. Here's how to start.

What is a Letter of Introduction in Freelance Writing? Here’s Why it Matters

What is a Letter of Introduction in Freelance Writing? Here’s Why it Matters

Did you know mastering the freelance writing letter of introduction is one of the most effective marekting tools you have as a freelancer? Here's why.

7 Freelancing Tips For New Location Rebels

7 Freelancing Tips For New Location Rebels

We get tons of requests for freelancing tips inside the Location Rebel forums. But, so much of the advice can help anyone who want to start a business.

6 Months and 128k Words:​ 5​ Lessons Learned from Daily Writing

6 Months and 128k Words:​ 5​ Lessons Learned from Daily Writing

About six months ago, I started a daily writing practice. 128,000 words later (and counting), I share the biggest lessons I've learned.

How to Make a Budget as a New Freelancer

How to Make a Budget as a New Freelancer

Thinking about becoming a freelancer? In this post, we cover how to get your finances in order, how to make a budget, how to pay off debt, and more.

How to Start a Freelance Fiction Editing Business

How to Start a Freelance Fiction Editing Business

Ever thought about starting a freelance fiction editing business? If not, maybe you should. There's a growing market, and it can be very rewarding.

5 Easy Steps to Make Money Freelancing in Your First Week

5 Easy Steps to Make Money Freelancing in Your First Week

We all know it can be HARD to make money freelancing! But it doesn't have to be. Learn how to make money freelancing in your first week with these five steps.

The Ultimate Cold Email Checklist

The Ultimate Cold Email Checklist

So many people struggle with sending effective emails. This post will show you exactly how to send a cold email that both gets an open and a response.