Ultimate Guide to Finding Online Proofreading Jobs in 2024

By Sean Ogle •  Updated: 07/03/24 •  15 min read

We talk a lot around here about how freelance writing is the best way to start making money online quickly. And it is.

But what about after all those words are written? Someone’s gotta comb through the content to eliminate grammatical mistakes and typos.

That someone?

They’re called proofreaders. 

And if you like reading, have a decent handle on grammar, and have an eye for detail, well, you could kill it as an online proofreader. There are so many remote proofreading jobs that pay $50 an hour (or more!).

How do you find them?

We’re glad you asked.

Keep reading for our top 40 places to find proofreading jobs online:

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What Is a Proofreading Job?

Companies, brands, and publications that care about how they’re presenting themselves carefully managing their messaging. That includes any written content they might publish.

Part of the content management process is making sure the words they’re publishing are error-free. They want to minimize misspellings, typos, incorrect sentence structure, and improper punctuation.

So a proofreading job means carefully reading through content to catch and correct any mistakes.

Not everybody has a solid grasp of the English language. And not everybody has the attention span to read through copy looking for mistakes. Just as importantly, not everybody understands that proofreading is a job. 

Because of all of those factors, it’s not simple for these companies, brands, and publications to find proofreaders.

And that means if you can do it, you can get paid!

How Do I Become a Proofreader?

If you’re reading this, and you’re the type of person considering Location Rebel Academy, there’s a very good chance you already are a proofreader. You just might not realize it.

Do you like to read?

Do you find yourself noticing spelling mistakes and typos?

Did you do well in English?

Answer yes to each of those questions, and you may well have what it takes. It really is not too complicated.

The key is having a consistent eye for detail. You’ve got to be someone that’s willing to read words and sentences not just for their meaning but for the words and sentences themselves.

Look, it’s not for everybody. But that’s good news if what we’re describing rings a bell for you. It means much less competition.

If you’re not sure your skills are up to snuff, you can enhance them with a little continuing education.

Here are a few online courses to help you get the tools you need to start finding remote proofreading jobs:

When you do get a proofreading job, the client will usually tell you something about the style they want to use. When they say ‘style,’ what they mean is following a particular set of grammar and punctuation rules. Things like using an Oxford comma or if subheaders should be title case or sentence case.

Two standard style guides are the AP Stylebook and the Chicago Manual of Style.  

If you’re serious about proofreading, it’d be a good idea to familiarize yourself with these style bibles. 

Some clients will have their own style guides. And if a client doesn’t have a style guide? Well, that’s an opportunity for you to offer your services and create one. 

As with everything, all questions can be answered with Google. So don’t be intimidated.

A quick word of advice: If you’re pitching clients from the angle of having found errors in their content that you can correct, be careful. If you come across as condescending of what they worked hard to create, you’re not going to get hired.

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How Much Do Online Proofreaders Make?

Like everything, an online proofreader’s earning potential is going to depend on a number of factors. Chief among them is experience. An experienced proofreader who has demonstrated success is going to be in a position to command more for their services.

An inexperienced proofreader without a track record may have to accept lower-paying jobs until they build a portfolio and references.

Salary.com has the median annual salary of a proofreader listed as $54,200. If you’re doing this type of work as a freelancer looking for one-off online proofreading jobs from home, you can expect to find gigs that pay $50 an hour or more once you get some experience.

Where are those jobs?

Let’s get into it!

40 Places To Find Proofreading Jobs Right NOW

So now you know what a proofreader does. You understand if you maybe have what it takes to become a proofreader. And you’ve got a bit of an idea of what a proofreader might get paid.

So, where can you look to get started? Here are our top 40 places where you can find remote proofreading jobs this year.

1). Google

Isn’t this where almost everything starts?

Seriously, run a few searches along the lines of “Where to find proofreading jobs,” or “How to find work as a proofreader,” or simply, “Online proofreading jobs” and “proofreading jobs near me.”

Trying out a bunch of different keywords will help you find some of what’s on this list and other ideas as well.

2). Letters of Introduction and Cold Pitching

If you’ve been following along here at Location Rebel, you know that our best tip for finding freelance writing work is to write letters of introduction and cold pitches. It works for freelance proofreaders too.

Letters of introduction are when you identify companies you think might be a fit, and you send them a short, personalized note introducing yourself and your services. Sending a cold pitch is when you’re pitching a specific idea or project. 

In both cases, it’s a simple numbers game. Send enough of them, and you will get work. You just gotta stay on it. And don’t neglect your follow-ups!

3). LinkedIn Profinder

This is a dedicated part of LinkedIn where people go to find freelancers. If you’re a freelancer, you need to be there.

Create an account. Learn how to get started on LinkedIn here.

Set up a profile that announces yourself as a freelance proofreader. A lot of freelancers are able to score high-quality, high-paying clients here. Don’t miss out.

4). LinkedIn Jobs

Most of the work found here is full-time, but not all of it.

Best of all, if this isn’t a place a lot of other freelancers are looking, you may be able to find plenty of work with a lot less competition.

Start by doing a search within jobs. You can type in terms like “hiring a proofreader” or “looking for a proofreader” and sort by date to see the latest ones that come up.

5). LinkedIn

Did we mention we really love LinkedIn for freelancers?

Don’t forget about “regular old” LinkedIn. This can be a gold mine for freelancers. The key is to create a profile that cuts through the clutter and gets attention.

From there, you’ll want to target companies you’re interested in working with and then start making first-person connections with decision-makers.

It may be a slow burn, but networking is the answer to solving the long-term puzzle. Start making connections. Get introduced to people. In time, you’ll be shocked to see how many doors can open.

6). Upwork

It’s true. We talk a fair amount of trash about Upwork. And for good reason, there are a lot of low-paying jobs there. 

But if you’re judicious and if you’re patient, there are opportunities here. You just have to dig through and find them, which can be frustrating, especially if you’re just getting started.

So always consider Upwork as an option. Just make sure you avoid the trap of selling yourself for too cheap. 

7). Freelancer

The name kind of says it all, doesn’t it? This is definitely worth a look. Creating a profile is simple. The platform is easy to navigate. Post your skills and wait for offers.

Don’t like what you hear? You can always say no.

8). BloggingPro

This job board isn’t just for bloggers. There are freelance proofreading jobs listed here too. And from a lot of established brands. Check ‘em out.

9). Polished Paper

A site dedicated to proofreading! To qualify to be hired, you’ll have to pass a test.

After that, you add your resume. And then it’s time to start working, baby!

10). ProBlogger Job Board

The ProBlogger job board is one of our favorite job board sites. Keep in mind, though. This one is mostly for writers. But there are remote proofreading jobs too.

screenshot problogger job board search function

But think about it a different way. On a site full of jobs for freelance writers are companies that probably need proofreaders too. So, even if a proofreading gig isn’t posted, send the companies an LOI offering your services. You may get a few bites!

11). Twitter (Now, X)

Once again, it’s all about networking. Twitter isn’t just for finding news or funny quips.

It’s easier than ever to find others who are doing what you want to do. Follow them. Pay attention to what they’re saying. Engage them in conversation, and you can get leads on proofreading jobs and referrals.

It takes time, but doors can and will open.

12). ProofreadingServices.com

This is another site where you’ll need to pass a test to demonstrate your skills. After that, you’ll be in front of more than 10,000 clients looking for proofreading help.

13). We Work Remotely

They claim to be the largest remote work community in the world and the number one place to list remote work jobs.

If that’s even half true, there are going to be online proofreading jobs here.

14). Facebook

Have we mentioned that networking is the key to your success? Make sure that your current network (your Facebook friends) knows that you’re looking for proofreading work. A referral is a very, very powerful tool.

Besides telling your friends and family, look for Facebook groups for proofreaders. There are bound to be a few. And check out freelance writing groups. As always, many of these writers will need help with proofreading work.

15). Fiverr

Like with Upwork, beware of the race to the bottom. There’s a lot of cheap work here. But there are also a few diamonds in the rough. It’s worth a look, but be selective.

And once you get good at proofreading, check out Fiverr Pro. If you become a verified Pro, you can charge way more and take advantage of some other special features.

16). FlexJobs

FlexJobs is another one of our recommended job boards. The great thing about this site is it’s all about work-from-home gigs.

And guess what’s included? Proofreading jobs from home.

17). Glassdoor

On Glassdoor, you’ll find tons of remote-work opportunities, including proofreading jobs, from big and small brands.

One cool thing is that you can search with “remote” as a location.

18). Craigslist

Yup, you can find entry-level proofreading jobs on Craigslist (actually, there are tons of online jobs there — you just need to sort through them). Start by localizing your search. Local companies love to hire local talent – even if they are working remotely. There’s a trust and familiarity factor. So post on Craigslist and see what might hit.

Beyond companies, you might get some interest from people who want a set of eyes on their academic papers or resumes, or cover letters, or who knows what else?

19). Wordvice

This is another site where you’ll have to demonstrate your ability before finding work.

Scientific Writing a Verb Tense Review

That’s a good thing. A higher barrier of entry weeds out the competition.

20). Hubstaff

With Hubstaff, submit pitches to brands, set your rates, and then wait to see if anyone hits. Brands of all kinds are going here to find remote workers. 

Something to remember as you’re getting started finding online proofreading jobs is it’s super important to cast a wide net and do a lot of marketing. Not spending time applying to lots of jobs and creating profiles on sites where you can get work are some of the biggest mistakes freelancers make.

21). Guru

Guru is another place where people go shopping for freelance services of all kinds, including proofreaders.


This is a science-specific site that offers editorial services, which include proofreading. Yup, you may not realize it, but you can decide to choose a niche for your proofreading work too. In a lot of industries, like technical writing or medical writing, proofreading for these writers and sites is a great path to making good money.

You’ll have to know your stuff, though. They want editors with a degree in the subject they’ll be reviewing.

23). JournalismJobs.com

Don’t be fooled by the name!​ This site isn’t just for newspaper reporters and journalists. There are also tons of editing and writing jobs of all kinds.

24). SmartBrief

This site is geared toward full-time editors, but there’s a lot of one-off work here too. Plus, a lot of successful editors start out as proofreaders and then move their way up. So, it’s just another career path to think about as you get into finding proofreading jobs.

This site is a great place to look for legit-paying online proofreading jobs.

25). Media Bistro

Their tagline says it all: “Careers for graphic designers, copywriters, social media managers, proofreaders, and more.”

Not looking for a full-time gig? Fear not. There’s part-time stuff available here too.

26). Scribbr

This site focuses on academic work. And, yes, you’ll have to pass a test to find work. Remember, that’s a good thing if you’re the real deal.

Plus, it’s another way to get into this type of stay at home proofreading work.

27). Gramlee

This is a site dedicated just to copy editing/proofreading. You’ll have to apply to get work.

28). EditFast

They’re looking for professional proofreaders. Once you establish your chops, turn here to find better-paying work. You’ll need to create a profile and portfolio.

Clients will check out your work, and if you’re a good fit, you may land the job.

29). Kirkus

If you love reading books, why not proofread them? This one’s all about long-form work.

Check out some of our favorite books for freelancers.

30). Scribe Media

Another site looking for book editors. How great would it be to get paid to read a book?

Something else to think about, especially if you love book proofreading, is to get in touch with self-published Kindle authors. A ton of them will need proofreaders to help them go through drafts and catch errors.

31). Writer’s Relief

This is a site that offers proofreading services for poetry, stories, novels, and manuscripts. If they offer proofreading services, they also hire proofreaders.

So check it out and start applying for proofreading gigs.

32). ZipRecruiter

Listen to any podcast, and you’ll no doubt hear a million ads for ZipRecruiter. Well, it’s because they are hiring!

There are lots and lots of jobs of all kinds here. And guess what? That includes remote proofreading jobs.

33). Wellfound

Wellfound is the new name for the old AngelList. And if you think it’s just for high-tech Silicon Valley jobs, you’d be mistaken. 

While it’s not specific to writing and editing jobs, if you take some time to search through the listings, you’ll find all sorts of freelance writing and editing jobs.

34). ManagedEditing

Don’t be put off by a slightly outdated website. This place is all about proofreading and editing. There’s work here, but you’ll have to apply.

35). Get Editing Jobs

This is a community job board where people go to hire talent. Right now, there are more than 21,500 proofreading jobs listed!

36). ProofreadingPal

proofreading pal

Online proofreading jobs of all sizes. And you never know when a project that seems like a one-off small-time deal can turn into a recurring client. This site has proofreading jobs and lots of ‘em!

37). Dynamite Jobs

If you’re familiar with the Dynamite Circle, then you’ll know way back in the day, its co-founder Dan Andrews helped give a kid from Oregon a job in Thailand, which ended up becoming the start of Location Rebel.

This board has remote jobs of all kinds. This site isn’t specific to proofreading, but if you dig, you’ll find that work among the listings.

38). OneSpace for Freelancers

A job board with freelance gigs of all kinds, including proofreading.

39). Clickworker

A great place to find one-off proofreading jobs. They’ll pay you per word based on your experience. Topics are all over the place, so it’ll keep you on your toes.

40). Lionbridge

A large global communications company that is sometimes looking for freelance proofreaders. The jobs won’t always be there, but check back periodically.

And want even more places to find freelance writing, editing, and proofreading work? Check out this list of over 100 places and start looking.

What Are You Waiting For? Get Started Online Proofreading Today

Proofreading can be an excellent transition option for becoming a freelance writer. If you want to get a taste of what working with words might entail, you can find some relatively easy work by becoming a freelance proofreader.

Or, you can make proofreading your main thing. There are many sites and services listed above that are looking for true pros. Sharpen your skills and start pursuing bigger paydays.

However, if proofreading still feels a little intimidating, you might consider looking for an online transcription job first.

Bottom line: Online proofreading jobs are an oft-overlooked freelance opportunity. You should now have everything you need to carve out your space in this niche.

And if you want more help finding remote freelance proofreading jobs, we can help. We’ve got some resources to get you started.

This post was updated for accuracy in July 2024

Sean Ogle

Sean Ogle is the Founder of Location Rebel where he has spent the last 12+ years teaching people how to build online businesses that give them the freedom to do more of the things they like to do in life. When he's not in the coffee shops of Portland, or the beaches of Bali, he's probably sneaking into some other high-class establishment where he most certainly doesn't belong.
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