100+ Places to Find Freelance Writing Jobs (FOR BEGINNERS)

By Sean Ogle •  Updated: 06/04/24 •  18 min read

This post on freelance writing jobs online was updated in June 2024 to add a video about types of writing jobs.

These days figuring out where to find freelance writing jobs online can be a challenge.

Do you go to Twitter? LinkedIn? Job Boards? Forums?

There are so many potential places to look, that it can be a little overwhelming to know where to start.

If you’re just starting out as a beginner freelance writer – then you may not have any ideas for where to find writing jobs.

But guess what? The good news is that it’s not as difficult as you think, and there are hundreds of fantastic places to find freelance jobs online.

The trick is knowing how to actually land them once you do find any apply for them.

I’ll have some strategies at the end of this post for that, but right now I want to deliver on the reason you clicked on this post: to share over 100 places to find high-quality freelance writing jobs right now.

Sound good?

Well then let’s jump right into the best places to get writing jobs on the internet.

100+ Places to Find High-Quality Writing Jobs Online

The key to finding and landing writing jobs is to cast a wide net.

Perhaps you’re someone who is really good at sending cold emails and landing clients that way? Maybe social media is your thing. Or perhaps you know exactly how to approach freelance job boards to land clients.

In this post, we’re going to cover all of those places so that you can get familiar with each of them, experiment, and see what works for you.

Freelance Writing Job Boards

You might hear people poo-pooing job boards.

Yea, there are some true stinkers out there but you can find some hidden gems too. It’s all about doing your due diligence and figuring out the boards that are going to work best for you.

We’ve started by posting up some of the boards where you’ll typically see quality jobs, but your mileage may vary.

Note: These aren’t in any particular order. 

1). ProBlogger Job Board


This job board is one of the first places any freelance writer should go. It’s where a lot of writers land their first paying client.

2). UpWork

You hear a lot of conflicting views about this site, but if you dig deep and work your pitch, you can find gigs. Just don’t let yourself settle for the bottom of the barrel low paying jobs.

3). Blogging Pro Job Board

As with ProBlogger, you’ll find lots of copy and content gigs here from more established brands.

4). We Work Remotely

This site has lots of jobs covering everything from writing to programming and web design.

5). Freelancer


Another big job board that covers everything from writing to app design, but specifically geared towards freelancers.

6.) nDash

This site has a database of companies who are looking for writers, you pitch your ideas and go from there.

7). LinkedIn Profinder

A lot of freelancers been able to nab high-paying quality clients off Profinder. LinkedIn is a great resource that most freelancers are ignoring. Don’t make that mistake, create a LinkedIn profile ASAP. (Currently US only)

8). LinkedIn Jobs 

Don’t forget there’s a job feature to LinkedIn, most are full-time, and some are remote. But that doesn’t mean you can’t pitch yourself either.

9). Freelance Writing Gigs Job Board 

You’ll see a number of these jobs on some of the other big boards but there are new ones on here too.

10). All Freelance Writing


Another smaller list of jobs but it’s nice you can see the pay range of each right from the jump.

11). Canadian Freelance Writing Jobs

You don’t have to be Canadian to apply, and there are lots of listings on here.

12). Glassdoor

There is a really good mix of big-name brands and niche writing opportunities (like non-profit work) on Glassdoor, so it can’t hurt to set up a profile here. And you can search with remote as a location.

13). HubStaff

HubStaff is relatively new. The brands are listed and then you submit your pitches, there is no bidding, and you set your rates.

14). Pangian

This site has more focus on remote full-time jobs as well as travel-related jobs. It doesn’t update as frequently as the other boards but I’ve also seen gigs here I haven’t spotted elsewhere.

15). Journalism Jobs


You don’t have to be a journalist to apply for jobs on this site. And, if you are a journalist looking for freelance work, jump in here you’ll find plenty of opportunities

16). Freelance Writing

This site has two options for you to find more work. One is their job board that focuses mostly on blogging, copywriting, and journalism gigs and the other is their daily morning newsletter

17). Krop

If you’re looking for copywriting jobs, check this site out. It’s got a mix of full-time, freelance, and flexible arrangement (i.e. 2 days in the office and 3 days out) copy jobs.

18). Writer’s Weekly

This is a good site for people who are looking to get published in magazines or trade articles, it has a nice listing of markets that are paying as well as a freelance work listing.

19). Ed2010

I love it when sites have an option to search for freelance and remote work and this site delivers. You will have to create an account to see the listings. They are mostly in and around the magazine industry.

20). Media Bistro


While it’s not just for freelancers, the Media Bistro site does offer a search feature for remote work. Or hey, you might find some awesome full time gig writing for a dream brand.

21). Writing Gigs

This Reddit sub features just a listing of writing jobs. You’ll have to pick through them to find gigs that suit what you’re looking for but it’s updated multiple times a week. You can check out the Freelance Writers sub too, that sporadically lists jobs.

22). Work From Home Leads

You won’t find just writing jobs online here, but a whole list pulled from a bunch of different sites. It’s updated weekly, so it can’t hurt to pop in here and see what’s available.

23). Working Nomads

This board was created by digital nomads for fellow digital nomads. It doesn’t get updated as frequently as the other boards but you’ll know every opportunity is remote.

24). ZipRecruiter

It’s a standard job board, but unlike a lot of others I’ve seen you can search for remote work really easily, right now there are over 30,000 remote writing jobs on the site for you to dig through.

25). Angel List


If you want to dip your feet into the startup world, check out Angle List. There is a solid listing of writing roles that lean heavily on remote work for both part-time and full-time gigs.

26). NewsCred

This is another site that hires freelance writers to add to their stable for big client work projects. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Content Studio Application to fill out the form.

27). Dynamite Jobs

The folks over at the Dynamite Circle have created their own job board for all sorts of jobs in various industries and positions. It’s not for writers specifically but there are writer jobs on there.

28). Cision Jobs

This isn’t a massive job board, but hey some jobs are better than none! Choose between writing jobs and PR/communication jobs and go from there.

29). Skip the Drive

This is another site that makes searching easy because all of the jobs listed are remote and work from home opportunities.

30). Remotive


While this site is geared more towards web developers and designers, you can find writing jobs in the marketing section. It has more tech-heavy clients and lots of SaaS brands.

And want to know our favorites? Here are 6 of the best freelance writing job boards for actually finding work.

Finding Freelance Writing Jobs Online via Paid Sites

There are a few very good job boards out there that are protected behind a paywall. Some of these are strictly job boards while others are more like membership sites for writers that have job board perks.

Typically, these will spend much more time curating high-quality posts, so you won’t find a lot of bad jobs on here.

It’s an added business expense, which can feel a little daunting if you’re just getting going. But if you’re looking for opportunities that most other freelancer’s won’t be willing to pay for, it can be worth experimenting with these.

A note of caution here, do your due diligence before paying for any job boards (a simple Google of the name can provide a wealth of information). A lot of them will not put you much further ahead than many of the free sites while wanting you to pay high monthly fees.

The sites below feature good online writing jobs.

31). Freelance Writer’s Den

Freelance-Writers-Den-Online-Writing-Community (1)

Carol Tice of Make a Living Writing runs this job board so you know it only has high-quality posts.

32). Freelance Success

The forum is the big feature here, but being a member includes a newsletter that features quality listings.

33). Contenta 

This site isn’t always open to join, and has one of the highest fees out there, but also has a lot of hand-curated jobs in a variety of fields that you won’t find anywhere else.

34). FlexJobs

You can search for free on FlexJobs but to get access to the good stuff, the paid feature provides a lot more information.

35). Sonia Wieser’s Opportunities of the Week Newsletter

This newsletter is a few bucks a month, but if you’re looking to get into writing for magazines or digital publications it has a ton of curated leads.

36). Study Hall 

This is another site that focuses on more of the media and journalist side of things if that’s the area you want to dig into.

Getting Writing Jobs from Content Marketing Agencies

Don’t forget to check out agencies for writing jobs too. For some people, working with an agency is the best of both worlds because they do much of the heavy lifting in terms of finding clients. All you have to do is write.

While you can build some amazing experience working with agencies, keep in mind you won’t see rates that are as high as you might if you connected with a brand on your own.

Here are a few to check out:

37). Contently

Start by creating a free portfolio and add to it. Because if you get a good profile rolling, they might contact you for work, and the jobs are typically high quality (and pay well). Learn how to optimize your Contently profile here.

38). Skyword

This is another site where you can jump in and start creating a portfolio. They work on matching high quality writers with big time gigs from Fortune 1000 brands.

39. Toptal

Toptal is a site that claims it accepts only top level freelancers. If you do get through the process, though, you have access to legit big name brands.

40). ClearVoice

Another big name site where a lot of bigger brands look to find writers. Set up your profile

41). Kingfish Media

This is another site that’s like Skyword and Contently, they work with some big brands and will call on you if you fit their needs.

42). Creative Circle

You might think staffing brands can’t help you find creative or writing jobs, not true with Creative Circle. I’ve found their copywriting and social media postings especially relevant for freelancers.

43). Marketing Agency Lists

I cribbed this list from the becoming a freelance writer post, but you’ll find THOUSANDS of agencies here:

How to Find Writing Jobs Online via Social Media

Don’t forget about social media! I keep track of a number of accounts on Twitter because you never know where something that’s perfect could pop up!

I also follow lots of influencers in my field too. They will also often share job postings from their sites or friend’s sites on their social media accounts.

Lastly, don’t forget to do searches all over social media try searching: “we’re hiring,” “work with us,” “writing job,” “pitch me,” or “job posted” to start.

44). @write_jobs

45). @tmj_bos_writing (find your city with @careerarc)

46). @remote_ok

47). @remoteok

48). Follow the hashtag “

49). Facebook “writing jobs” groups  – Make sure you’re logged in to Facebook and Linked In search queries to work properly.

50). Facebook “writing jobs” pages

51). LinkedIn “writing jobs” groups

52). LinkedIn “content writer” companies

There is always the potential to offer your services inside any Facebook groups you join. Remember, don’t spam, become a part of the community, offer value, and then showcase your skills.

Follow the tips Olivia lays out for making the most of Facebook groups, in this post.

Sites that Pay for Guest Posts or Have Paid Contributors

You can also get your feet wet doing guest posts. These are not only great to build up your brand, but some sites actually pay for posts too.

Now, you’re not going to get rich pitching these sites, but you might catch a good break down the road. The key with these is to read the instructions. It’s all there.

Unfortunately, way too many people ignore the directions and plow forward. Don’t be one of these people. If something particular is put in the directions, seems like it’s important to pay attention to, no?

Read these pages a few times and then craft your pitch. Getting an accepted post on any of these sites can be a nice boost to your freelancing career.

For the sites below, most have their pay rates right on the page. Others will offer payment for really high-quality stuff.

Travel Sites that Pay Writers

53). Matador Network 

54). The Expeditioner 

55). International Living 

56). The Savvy Retiree 

57). Theme Park Tourist 

58). Arrivedo 

59). Great Escape Publishing 

60). The Culture Trip 

61). Transitions Abroad 

Money and Finance Sites that Hire Writers

62). The Penny Hoarder – Personal Finance

63). Doctor of Credit – Personal Finance

64). WiseBread – Personal Finance

65). Moneycrashers – Personal Finance

66). Elite Personal Finance – Personal Finance

67). Coin Central – Bitcoin

68). Coin Insider – Bitcoin

Writing Sites that Hire Writers to Write (Isn’t that a Mouthful…)

69). Make a Living Writing 

70). B2B Writing Success 

71). Writer’s Weekly 

72). Funds for Writers 

73). Barefoot Writer

Tech Sites that Hire Writers

74). A List Apart – Web Design

75). Smashing Magazine – Web Design and Development

76). Linode – Linux, Linode and Cloud Infrastructure

77). Digital Ocean – Tech

78). Technopedia – Tech

79). Polygon – Gaming

Making Money Online Writing Opportunities

80). RemarkMe – Work from Home

81). Rank Pay – Online Business

82). Income Diary – Online Business

Family Websites that Hire Writers

83). A Fine Parent 

84). Just Parents 

85). MotherWell 

Personal Stories

86). Reader’s Digest – Personal Stories

87). Chicken Soup for the Soul – Personal Stories

88). Narratively – Various

Health and Fitness Sites Looking for Online Writers

89). Horse Network – Sport

90). Blog Paws – Pets

91). Yoga International – Health

92). Vibrant Life – Health

93). Cooking Detective – Food

94). wiki Espresso Machine – Coffee

Lifestyle and Culture Writing Opportunities

95). Listverse – Various

96). The Drive – Automotive

97). American College of Healthcare Sciences – Science

98). Loaded Landscapes – Photography

99). Book Browse – Books

100). The Partially Examined Life – Culture

101). Cracked – Culture/Entertainment

102. ScreenRant – Entertainment

103). Wide Open Country – Entertainment

104). SyFy – Entertainment

105). Tor – Culture/Entertainment

Unless they specifically spell out that there is no payment for posts, you don’t know. So when you do send in your pitch, it never hurts to ask.

I recently had a pitch accepted for a guest post on a site that didn’t mention payment at all. After the post was published, the editor reached out and asked me where he could send a check.

A Few More Places to Find Freelance Jobs Online

Some of these don’t fit neatly into the categories above, but I still think they are really useful. So, check out a few of them and see if they are a good fit for you.

106). Who Pays Writers

A good look at the sites out there that pay freelancers and how much they actually pay per word or project.

107). Contently’s Freelance Rates Database

This is a big list with hundreds of entries of sites and how much they pay freelancers.

108). Pitchwizz

You can directly connect with a bunch of editors from big name digital sites and smaller magazines here.

109). Where to Pitch

This is a cool twist on your standard job board, it gives you the masthead and pitching guidelines for a ton of paying sites.

110). Get Apprenticeship 

Taylor Pearson created this site for people who are looking to embrace the apprenticeship model, lots of potential here.

111). Earn Money Online: Monster List of 161 Markets for Freelance Writers

Monster list is right, you can find a ton of opportunities right here.

112). 34 Travel Magazines and Websites that Pay Freelance Writers

This list from The Write Life should be must read for aspiring travel writers.

113). 900+ Startups Hiring Remotely

This is a huge database from Remotive of startups that are hiring but it doesn’t list what they may be hiring for so you’ll have to do some digging (and pitching) on your end.

114). Aerogramme Writer’s Studio

You’ll a lot of information here on writers in residence programs, fiction and non-fiction contests, short story submissions and the like.

115). Writer’s Market

This is a book that comes out every year and features a huge listing of magazine and trade publications that accept writers. It also has great advice on how to write good pitches.

116). 70+ Publications that Pay $1 a Word

A nice list of publications and sites that offer good rates.

117). Get Paid To Write Online: 99 Travel Publications That Pay Up To $4,000

If you’re a travel writer, this is a great list to dig into.

118). 35 Travel Magazines That Pay Writers up to $3 per Word – Another list to check out if you’re a travel writer.

119). Location Rebel Academy – Sure, we’ll pitch ourselves. We’ve got a member’s only job board and we do post up remote gigs we see floating around online.

Whew, that’s a long list.

But, keep in mind, these aren’t the only writing jobs available out there so don’t just rely on these. Keep your own search going and, at the same time, schedule time in your week to search and pitch.

I truly believe that freelance writing is the easiest way for most people to make money on the internet.

It makes sense, right?

Getting started with freelance writing doesn’t cost much, you don’t even need a website to start (even though we think it’s a pretty good idea to have one).

Where people generally hit their first roadblock is finding freelance writing jobs online. And while it’s somewhat easy to find a bunch of those low-paying writing jobs, we want you to look beyond those.

You can’t make a living writing on those $0.01 and $0.03 cent a word posts. It might be ok to get those low rates for a handful of portfolio pieces, but beyond that, you need to set much higher rates.

Good thing we can help you learn how to do it.

Freelancer’s Friend: Our Weekly Newsletter with Curated Writing Jobs

We just listed 119 different places you can get writing jobs, but perhaps the easiest?

Freelancer’s Friend.

This is our premium weekly newsletter where we curate writing opportunities just for you. Every Monday we’ll send you a dozen or so jobs that are available right now, along with freelance tips, tricks, and advice we don’t share anywhere else.

It’s $49/month, but landing even one job from this should pay for your entire year of the subscription. I have a feeling you’re going to dig it.

You can learn more here.

Learn How to Make Your First $1,000 Freelance Writing (in 30 Days or Less)

Join over 40,000 people who have taken our 6 part freelance writing course. Sign up below and let’s do this together.

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Exactly How to Land Freelance Writing Jobs in 2024 and Beyond

What’s the saying? “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”

Yeah, that’s the one.

I can show you exactly where to find all of these jobs, but knowing how to land them is a bit of a different story.

Fortunately, I’ve got some advice for you there too. Here’s some tips on how to land freelance writing job online and to stand out from the crowd:

Sean Ogle

Sean Ogle is the Founder of Location Rebel where he has spent the last 12+ years teaching people how to build online businesses that give them the freedom to do more of the things they like to do in life. When he's not in the coffee shops of Portland, or the beaches of Bali, he's probably sneaking into some other high-class establishment where he most certainly doesn't belong.
Learn How to Make Your First $1,000 Freelance Writing (in 30 Days or Less)

Join over 40,000 people who have taken our 6 part freelance writing course. Sign up below and let’s do this together.

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38 comments on "100+ Places to Find Freelance Writing Jobs (FOR BEGINNERS)"

  1. Cesar says:

    How does one start out freelance writing?
    I’ve been investigating lately. Would love to make around $1,000 extra/month and thought freelance writing might be a good way to do this.
    What do you think?

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Freelance writing is a great way to do it. That’s how I started, part time on the side while I had a full time job.

    2. Hey Cesar,

      I’d say your best place to start is with guest posting. Not only does this allow you to get a feel for writing for an audience, it also gives you GREAT portfolio pieces that hold a lot of weight with clients.

      When I first started writing three years ago, I was applying for jobs and was getting ZERO traction. It felt like I was going to be stuck as a broke-ass shoe salesman for forever.

      But I decided to try writing on a few sites that I liked reading, just to give myself a bit of a confidence boost for my skills.

      I got featured on Addicted2Success, Lifehack and TinyBuddha and included them in my samples when pitching to people. After four weeks, I’d made £1,300+ and two months later I quit my job.

      Of course there is more to it than that, but when it comes to STARTING your business, this is a great place to start building momentum. Especially if you’re full-time employed.

  2. Pedro Luis says:

    Can you apply all your community and advice to writing in Spanish? Are there as many opportunities in Spanish as to live by your own writing?

    Thanks in advance for your comment

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Hey Pedro, I don’t have particular experience in writing in another language, but I do think there are plenty of opportunities out there. Spanish (and any language) language sites also need great content, care about ranking on websites, need emails, etc.

  3. Renee says:

    How would someone determine if they have what it takes to offer their services as a freelance writer to earn extra cash? I’ve never written for anyone professionally and I’m not sure that I have the ability to write about topics assigned to me. I will say that I’ve received compliments on my writing ability in the past, but the “writing” that I was doing was an email or a business document.. to a group of co-workers.. LOL! I’ve never written a blog post, marketing related writing or anything for that matter aside from some job related tasks.

    1. Matt says:

      Just start doing it. You will get feedback soon enough.
      Stop thinking and start doing. You have paralyzed yourself by saying you’ve never done it and don’t know if you’re good enough. You are good enough because even the most prolific writers didn’t come out of the womb writing. They just started and got better.

      1. Liz Froment says:

        Thanks for your answer, Matt. It really is so much about mindset, especially at the start.

    2. Liz Froment says:

      I think Matt gives the right answer here. Just give it a shot and see. I also had zero experience when I started freelance writing, I had worked in finance. You can start your own blog, or even try getting in touch with a local charity you like and offer to write a post for them. Not only is that a great way to get started but you can also feel good about contributing to a good cause.

  4. Thank you so much for this comprehensive list! Wow. This is a truly valuable resource.

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Thanks, Rahul!

  5. Thanks for this! I currently make some sales through my passionate niche website – teaching meditation & yoga – but it doesnt cover all the bills… yet.

    That being said, I have been wanting to travel to beautiful remote locations to fufill my spiritual, nomadic adventure I have always wanted to embark on. I love to write and put my services up on Fiverr.com but nothing really took the bait. So I will utilize the resources here and see where it takes me! Cheers! 😀 Thanks Liz!

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Thanks, Brandon! I hope some of these sites work out for you 🙂

  6. Charlie Alf says:

    Great list!! I’ve heard of several of some of those, but have only tried a few. I started freelancing through Elance, before it joined with Upwork. I did small jobs here and there but eventually landed some long term ones. I’m also in several binder groups on Facebook, and that’s how I find out about a lot of open submissions. I haven’t tried cold pitching yet. I can’t wait to explore some of these that I haven’t tried yet!

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Thanks, Charlie! For sure give some cold pitching a try, you’ll get a lot more clients that way!

  7. Jack says:

    Very usefull. Thank you for sharing

  8. Halona Black says:

    Absolutely epic post! Yeah, I’m sick of the freelance advice that says start with Upwork. I choose to avoid it altogether.

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Thanks, Halona! You’re 100% right there is a whole world out there of potential opportunities, this list is really just the tip of the iceberg.

  9. Joleene says:

    I started on WritersAccess. It’s not listed here, but of all the many content mills out there, , it seems to pay very well.

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Hi Joleene, thanks for that tip! I tried to avoid the content mills since I don’t have any experience with them and don’t want to lead people astray but good to hear you can vouch for having a good experience.

  10. Sheeroh says:

    Hey Liz,

    Thanks for such a detailed and awesome post. I had no idea there were so many opportunities for writers out there, other than the main we know about like Problogger. Some hidden gems for sure.

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Thanks Sheeroh! I’m so glad you found a few hidden gems, I hope you can find some great opportunities from them.

  11. Shelena Muller says:

    This post is amazing! Thank you!

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Thanks, Shelena, hope you find some opportunities.

  12. Matt Solar says:

    thanks for including nDash.co on the list. We have a writer help section which this audience may find helpful, especially around pitching brands: https://www.ndash.co/help/writers (pro tip: do some research before pitching.)
    …And for 2019, hopefully, we’ll close the top spot!

    Thanks again,
    Matt (VP of Marketing @ nDash)

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Hi Matt, thanks for jumping in and sharing your pitching tips. I’ve used nDash myself and like it. The good news is the numbers are in no particular order, just in where I started with my research! 🙂

  13. Dave Ring says:

    Hello Liz,
    Thanks very much for another great post!

    I’d like to offer several suggestions as to how aspiring writers can make an entry into the freelance writing biz.

    I originally came from a technical background, but I eventually transitioned to a commercial/industrial sales career. Throughout my career, I’ve acquired a great deal of technical manufacturing process and product knowledge. This was an absolute necessity in order to competently serve the needs of my customers.

    Over the years, I found that several of the companies I represented shared a common problem. Their marketing collateral, product service bulletins, websites, etc. were often ‘substandard’ (I’m trying to be kind here). Frequently, there were proofreading and editing issues. But, all too often, there were also issues with the content quality. The primary reason for this is that the people who were responsible for writing the content lacked either the necessary basic writing skills, the technical knowledge necessary to write accurate and relevant copy, or both.

    By now, I think you know where I’m heading with this. I ended up assisting these people with ‘cleaning up’ their brochures, catalogs, and websites. It wasn’t an act of kindness as much as it was an act of self- preservation. I was scared to death that some of this stuff (in its original form) would get into the hands of my customers or – worse yet – get posted online for the entire world to see.

    You may be asking yourself, how often does this situation actually occur? Well, it’s happening far more often than it should – especially with small to mid-sized businesses who can seldom cost justify full time technical or content writing staff. In my case, I provided writing, editing, and even article ‘ghostwriting’ assistance to four of the companies I’ve represented over the years.

    Can you see the potential business writing and editing opportunities here? Do you have specialized education, technical training or other skills and experience that you can offer to prospective clients? As stated above, there’s no shortage of small to mid-sized businesses who could very likely use your industry expertise to assist them with producing ‘clean’ and effective marketing collateral – as well as writing blog posts and/or other content for their websites.

    Well, what are you waiting for? As the saying goes: “If not me, then who? If not now, then when?”

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Great advice, Dave, thanks so much for taking the time to write all that out and share it. I think there are tons of opportunities for writing in the B2B world, especially.

  14. Just to add another one to the list – TextBroker (https://www.textbroker.com/) is pretty great both for people looking to write and get paid, and people who need content. Now admittedly I’ve never written through them because I’m not much of a writer, but they’re great when I need a nice piece of content.

    1. Liz Froment says:

      Thanks for the suggestion, Max.

    2. I can also recommend TextBroker for German writers.

      It is an awesome way to start because you can take any open order while on other platforms you have to wait for someone to hire you.

      I started my career there.

  15. Elsie says:

    I have gone through your work and I get that having to showcase your previous work is mandatory for me to get a client. Where do I start to build that “previous work” if I am a beginner? How do I get the experience to add to my portfolio?.

  16. I think the information you provide on your site and the videos you put up on YouTube are excellent in terms of information and level of detail. Unfortunately, i suspect like many other old people (that’s those of us that are over 40) we find it difficult to stare at a screen for long and to scroll through blog posts and web pages to reading such detailed information. So, I wondered if you might consider taking the information on your site and turning it into a physical book as I reckon old timers like me would probably find it a lot easier to digest and engage with. At the end of each chapter you could provide links to the same info you’ve put up here or uploaded as YouTube videos. I’m sure you already know that you can simple copy and paste the info from this site into a word document and format it into a 6×9 book for upload to Amazon’s KDP site for free and just let folk like me order physical copies of your book while you get royalty cheques from Amazon in your sleep.

  17. Very well written information. It will be beneficial i really appreciate all your efforts ,thank you so mch for sharing this valuable information with all of us.

  18. Hey, Its Amazing Blog Post And I Found This Very Useful. Thanks For sharing With Us. And Of course Keep Posting Bro.

  19. Hello Sean,
    Can you please include the AdmirablePro Job Board (https://admirablepro.com/remote-jobs/) in your list?
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